Time for the public to comment on anything not on the agenda
Consideration of adopting Resolution 13-23 proclaiming February 2023 as Civil Grand Jury Awareness month in Tuolumne County
Consideration of reviewing emergency actions ordered by the County Administrator's actions resulting from a series of storms from December 27, 2022, through January 31, 2023, for road repairs and damages, and determining there is a need to continue ongoing emergency actions under the authority of 22050 and TCOC 3.22.060.
Presentation from Visit Tuolumne County including their marketing, business and financial plans.
Consideration of reducing General Fund contingencies by $103,200, increasing appropriations in the Pine Mountain Lake Airport cost center by $103,200 and recognizing unanticipated revenue in the Pine Mountain Lake cost center by the same amount, for Coffman Associates to complete the Airport Feasibility and Viability Study for a total amount of $203,200 and authorizing the County Administrator to sign the contract.
Consideration of an appeal of the Notice and Order that was issued on September 10, 2022, on Assessor's Parcel Number 022-370-015-000, 27790 Italian Bar Rd, Twain Harte. Regarding illegal cultivation of cannabis and other code violations.
Presentation & discussion with Stanislaus Regional Housing Authority on their purpose, responsibilities and scope of work in Tuolumne County.
Consideration of approving the submission of the California Department of Food and Agricultural CRC Program Grant and approving a Letter of Support for the Grant Application.
Consideration of Authorizing Staff to Post a Notice of Intent to purchase property located at 22646 Parrots Ferry Road, Columbia, pursuant to Government Code §25350 and adopt the associated Resolution 15-23.
Consideration of rescinding Resolution 112-21 and adopting Resolution 14-23 approving an increase to the non-board member elected official’s salaries pursuant to section 2.52.020 of the Tuolumne County Ordinance Code.